Coaching in group
Small Group Training
What is it? It’s training based on the benefits of functional training. It brings into focus and reinforces the body’s main function, which is moving! The fun aspect and team spirit are highly emphasized in this activity.
What result should I expect from Small Group Training?
The type of exercise in SMGT appeals to the various energy streams and it involves strength and cardiovascular training. Your coordination, agility, power, strength, and endurance will develop together with an increased calorie intake and thus a toning of your physique.
What’s the difference between Small Group Training and Bootcamp?
The difference between Bootcamp and Small Group Training is primarily rooted in the location and the equipment used. SMGT can take place outdoors just as easily as indoors. Given the equipment used (truck tyres, tree trunks, cable reels, etc.), Bootcamp is an exclusively outdoor activity. Small Group Training also involves a smaller number of participants than Bootcamp.